Project Manager / General Contractor
Our objectives: to provide a quality service in compliance with the regulatory standards, the budget, the schedule and the aesthetic constraints of each project. As such, our intervention is adapted to the requirements and typology of each project through the following missions:
Project Management
MCconcept provides a complete management service, from the design phase to site acceptance and reserve removal. The project management mission covers all aspects of the project, from technical, administrative, financial and planning aspects to the daily management of the construction site.
We are the single point of contact for our clients throughout each phase of the project:
- Sketch study (ESQ)
- Preliminary design study (AVP)
- Project study (PRO)
- Assistance to the Contracting Authority for the procurement of works contracts (ACT)
- Execution Study / Visa of Execution Studies (EXE - SYN)
- Directorate of Work Execution (DET)
Assistance to the Project Owner at the end of the works (acceptance of works and removal of reservations)
In a more synthetic way, we identify three main phases in project management, the mission of Project Management encompassing all or part of each phase:
1. Conception des phases (ESQ - AVP)
From the very beginning of the project, we produce all documents: written documents or plans, necessary during the design phase, which will lead to the building permit being obtained.
2. WFD Phase (Business Consultation Package) (PRO - ACT)
We draw up the project plans and coordinate all the parties involved (technical design offices: concrete, framework, fluids, etc.).
We draw up the project plans and coordinate all the parties involved (technical design offices: concrete, framework, fluids, etc.).
The mission of Economy of Construction consists in the realization of the written documents necessary for the establishment of the invitation to tender all trades (TCE). It constitutes the financial pillar of the realization.
These pieces are both:
- Quantitative (metered): DPGF (Breakdown of the Global and Fixed Price)
- Qualitative: CCTP (Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières Techniques Particulières): consist of a precise technical description of the services to be carried out, by building trades.
- Administrative: conditions of the call for tenders, terms of payment, terms of price revision, penalties, etc...): RPAO (Specific Rules for Calls for Tenders - or Consultation Rules), CCAP (Specific Administrative Clauses Booklet)
We proceed to the tender, negotiation and selection of companies in agreement with the Client. We prepare the contract files, the indispensable legal basis for the companies' intervention.
3. Execution phase (EXE-SYN / DET)
During the Execution phase, the mission of Execution Project Management (EPM) encompasses all aspects of site monitoring:
- Realization of the execution plans of the works (Architectural Execution Plans - level plans, sections and facades - Detail books, ...)
- Synthesis with the various stakeholders
- Detailed work planning for all trades
- Management of the works and drafting of minutes through site reports distributed to all parties involved
- Coordination of work between the different trades
- Management of companies' work situations, systematically checked before transmission of the "payment voucher" to the project owner.
- Centralization of the plans for the verification of the executed works
- Assistance to the Project Owner in its dealings with the administrations and services conceded
- Organization and assistance to the Project Owner in the operations of pre-acceptance and acceptance of the works
Construction Economics
The mission of Economie de la Construction consists in the drafting of the written documents necessary for the establishment of the invitation to tender all trades (TCE). It constitutes the financial pillar of the project.
These pieces are both:
Quantitative (metered): DPGF (Breakdown of the Global and Fixed Price)
Qualitative: CCTP (Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières Techniques Particulières): consist of a precise technical description of the services to be carried out, by building trades.
Administrative: conditions of the call for tenders, terms of payment, terms of price revision, penalties, etc...): RPAO (Specific Rules for Calls for Tenders - or Consultation Rules), CCAP (Specific Administrative Clauses Booklet)
We carry out the tender, selection of companies and negotiations in agreement with the Client. We prepare the contract files, the indispensable legal basis governing the intervention of the parties involved.
General Contractor
As a General Contractor, we offer our clients the same rigour and work methodology as in the framework of a Project Management mission.
This mission is distinguished by its turnkey, tailor-made nature, which includes the study of the project, the cost of its realization and insurance. Within this framework, the Project Owner concludes a single contract with MCconcept (and not as a separate entity as is the case in a project management mission).
We commit ourselves, from the outset of the project, to a firm price, established on the basis of clearly defined services.
Delegated Project Owner
The Delegated Project Owner is entrusted by the Project Owner with the right to exercise, in his name and on his behalf, all or part of his responsibilities as Project Owner.
In this context, we act as the Project Owner's Representative.
Assistance to the Project Owner
The objective of the Project Owner Assistance mission is to offer support to the Project Owner in the management of the project, both at the level of the feasibility study, the design, and the execution of the work, outside of any technical mission.
MCconcept, within the framework of a mission of Assistance to the Project Owner:
- Represents the Project Owner in dealings with the various parties involved: companies, administrations, concessions, etc.
- Analyses the offers received and assists the Owner in the negotiations.
- Assists the Project Owner in the establishment of works contracts or service orders
- Attend construction site meetings
- Receives the monthly site situations of the works of the participants, verifies them within the framework of the contractual parts of the contract.
- Assists the Project Owner in his dealings with the Administrations (DROC, DAT, ...)
- Assists the project owner in the operations of pre-acceptance and acceptance of the works
OPC (Scheduling, Steering and Coordination of works)
The mission of OPC (Scheduling, Steering and Coordination of Works) is, when a contract, public or private, is treated as a separate body, to set and coordinate the various interventions to ensure compliance with the schedule and guarantee the smooth running of the site.
Within this framework, our mission covers :
- Establishment of the work schedule for all building trades
- Assistance to the Prime Contractor for technical adjustments with all parties involved
- Animation of site meetings
- Follow-up and direction of the work with the preparation and distribution of the worksite meeting minutes.
- General maintenance of the detailed site planning
- Assistance to the Contracting Authority and Project Owner for the acceptance of the works